Below are a number of hacks to get hair without using shampoo. Apparently using your regular foamy shampoo is sometimes not the best thing that you can do for your hair. It can in fact create your scalp dry and itchy and make it necessary to wash more often. Consequently, if you have decided to give up on shampoo and then try something else, this is the cheat sheet. It might take some time to become accustomed to washing your hair without shampoo, but it’s certainly worthwhile in the long term. Believe shiny and healthy hair, with no chemicals! Additionally, your hair stays cleaner longer -- such as 4 or 5 times. Washing hair might be a nuisance.

Between attempting to get your locks dry and finding the right shampoo, it can be a challenging procedure. I typically set the time all shampooing my hair as long as possible because I do not wish to address styling and drying off it. Apart from that wake up trying to discover a shampoo and conditioner that matches my hair type may be an even bigger dilemma. So when it isn't cutting, it's time.
Using Egg–

Whisk the egg, await your hair to cool and massage egg. Leave three minutes and wash off with cool water. In this post I explain for how to apply egg on hair in a manner that is non-messy how egg operates and provide you a super suggestion
Using Baking Soda –

If you are using this as a once off pour to head and then put a desert spoon of baking soda into a cup of water. Don't get in your eyes! Massage of THOROUGHLY in and bathe! You'll require otherwise you'll damage your own hair if you're currently using it long term. This is more information about when to quit using it! Always follow up with a conditioner that is sterile
Using Rye Flour –

this is a rising star! Rye Flour has helped people completely get rid of dandruff. Sieve a tablespoon into a cup, make into a paste and rub into hair. Leave for two minutes and wash off. Give hair a good brush afterwards.
Experimental Attitude –

Among the things you want to understand is that there is not any silver bullet for how to wash your hair without shampoo. Everyone has a head of hair. You'll need to experiment every couple of days. Some folks will flourish on Water Just or Sebum Only, others will delight in using loveliness and homemade shampoos. Try and add an extra day to your non washing times every couple of weeks.
Healthy food –

Everything you eat counts ALOT -- This is an underrated variable, however, that which we put in has a massive impact on the condition of our hair. Foods can make our hair lank and greasy and in need of washing. Here would be the very best food for a few food and hair ideas to stimulate hair growth.
Other tips
• I hear that eventually, you can wean off baking soda and vinegar all together, relying only on water in the shower to remove dirt and oil. I haven’t tried.
• If your hair feels too dry, use less baking soda, or try using honey or aloe instead of vinegar.
• If you find that your hair is still too oily after the transition period, try using less vinegar, or not using it all together. Some people also use lemon juice instead of vinegar as their acidic clarifier.
• You could have a transition period that lasts from a few weeks to a couple months, where your hair reacts with oil that is surplus into the deficiency of shampoo. That is normal. It's used to using its oils stripped, so it may take some time for the oil to stop producing in protest. My transition period lasted about 2 weeks.